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Request a FREE Nonprofit Lifecycle Marketing Assessment!

Learn how to improve your lifecycle marketing to effectively turn:

  • Volunteers into Prospects
  • Prospects into First-time Donors
  • First-time Donors into Lifelong Contributors

Let’s Talk About Your Nonprofit Marketing

Streamworks’ FREE Nonprofit Lifecycle Marketing Assessment evaluates your current strategy and provides unique ideas to generate more donors for your organization.


  • Review of your business goals, objectives and challenges (up to 1 hour call)
  • Ideas to better acquire, activate and retain donors to maximize their profitability 
  • Helpful tips to get higher quality leads for a stronger fundraising pipeline
  • Unbiased advice to improve your fundraising programs 

Complete the form to provide our Nonprofit Specialist all the information needed to prepare for your assessment.

We will contact you within 48 hours to schedule your FREE Assessment.